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The Beat of Gaia's Heart

It's All About Love

Weddings are all about love, right? Those of you ladies who are happily married would probably rather get rid of just about anything else than part with your wedding dresses -- I know I would. But the big-hearted and unselfish rocker Maria Daines is auctioning hers off -- for dog rescue funds.

Here's the deal.  Read More 
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Attention Music Lovers: Auction for Death Row Dogs

If you love dogs and good music, here's your chance to help one while enjoying the other. Rocker Maria Daines, an amazing singer/composer with a band that won't quit, can be found at http://www.maria-daines.com and is holding another fundraising auction to help out overloaded shelters. The auction link is http://tinyurl.com/4k3ogve and I can't recommend her music highly enough. The cause speaks for itself. Read More 
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